Which days can you make it for class outing? :D
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Class outing!
Class outing is on 12th of November, Friday after script checking!!
Those who can't make it, please contact Ji Hyun ASAP so that all the foodstuff can be readied:D
Uh, venue should be Dion's house... Dion, any objection? Must reply quick quick so that we can ask YX!!
It will be barbeque + something else so do remember to bring PLENTY of money:D
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Exams Over! ^^
Those who have O-levels Higher Chinese jiayous! Finish the last lap!
Well, there are still a number of things to rmb hahas...
Look forward to our upcoming class outing =D
8/10 Nov (Mon/Wed)-
Marking Days (No school)
9 Nov (Tues)-
Marking Day
Registration of NRIC at Auditorium 8.30am
Fee: ($10 for Singapore Citizens, S50 for Permanent Residents)
11/12 Nov (Thurs/Fri):
Script-Checking Days
CL3102 报章读后感
Payment for breakages via interbank Giro
Class Outing!
Venue: Dion's Apartment (More details TBC?#!%@)
-Previously Updated on
-Last Updated on
>3 Nov, 9.29pm
Friday, October 22, 2010
T4W6 - T4W7
Drink more H2O and avoid going outdoors too often hahas...
Revise (mug) your upcoming exams while staying healthy...
If you feel unwell, do not come to school, pls rest at home!...
Also, Pls reply to Jiii's post below mine about class outing!...
Now, I'll post Week 7 stuff. Wow, Time really flies, agree?...
Rain clears haze over Singapore
PEOPLE in Singapore woke up to clearer skies on Sunday as the haze that blanketed the Republic for most of last week finally cleared up.
The Pollution Standards Index (PSI) reading dipped to 19 in the early morning, bringing air quality back to the 'good' range, said the National Environment Agency (NEA).
Heavy rain in Singapore and Sumatra, including parts of Riau Province and the Straits of Malacca on Saturday helped to get rid of the haze and bring back clearer skies today, said an NEA spokesperson.
At 9pm Sunday, the PSI was a healthy 21.
Reference: Asiaone (Sun, Oct 24, 2010)
25 Oct (Mon)-
Mastering Physics (Thermodynamics e-learning assignment) 11.59pm
CL3102 作文 (三)
Note: PE lessons as per normal
Note: Proceed to the Audi during mentoring
27/28 Oct (Wed/Thurs)-
Reading Days (Need not come to school)
29 Oct (Fri)-
CH3102 Higher Chinese 3B (Seminar Room 2)
Paper 1- 8am-10am
Paper 2- 10.30am-12.30pm
CL3102 Chinese 3B (Seminar Room 1)
Paper 1- 8am-10am
Paper 2- 10.30am-12pm
BL3101 Animal Physiology (Hall)
Good luck for your exams!
-Previously Updated on
>23 Oct, 11.44am
>23 Oct, 12.01pm
-Last Updated on
>25 Oct, 7.46pm
12th of Nov. Friday. After script checking at 1230. Class Outing.
Can you make it?
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Class Outing(:
Anyway, Mr Ho gave me some info on what the schedule will be like after exams, and it looks like the best three dates are 9th Nov, 10th Nov, 11th Nov.
9th and 10th Nov can be full days since they are marking days, but we can also make it a half day if you prefer half days(:
11th Nov is a script checking day and we end at 2pm.
On the poll up there, (scroll UPUP) ticks the dates you can make it for class outing. You are allowed to choose more than one choice as long as you can make it. If you can't make it for any, msn me or email me or tell me in person but you MUST tell me okay. Unless you can't make it for any, I disallow you from complaining about my choice of dates(:
Oh, by the way, if you don't vote and you don't tell me that you can't make it, it's your loss since that means you won't have a say on the class outing dates. And you'll be expected to turn up or I'll go bitchy on you:D
Yup, that's about it(: Good luck and Jia Yous for your exams everyone! Let's survive through just 3 more weeks and then we'll all be FREE, yeah?
Loves, JIII(:
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
T4W5 - T4W6
Something here to "play" with =)
WARNING: Not for the faint-hearted...
I managed to get 7 out of 7 hahas, last one couldn't find it... XP
All seven very obvious hahas.... ^^
19 Oct (Tues)-
Bio Quiz 4
Lecture 8 (Blood Vessels)
Lecture 9 (Blood Pressure)
Lecture 10 (Excretion: Kidney Structure & Function
Bio Graded Task 2
20 Oct (Wed)-
Physics Assignment Set 9
Math Class Exercise
Scope: Stationary point(s) plus nature of curve using 1st and 2nd derivative test
21 Oct (Thurs)-
Math Graded Exercise on Journal (Modeling)
(20 minutes during Lesson Time)
Note: Get your GC ready and NO borrowing during the graded exercise.
22 Oct (Fri)-
Module Journal 2 (10%)
Instructions from Mrs Lim:
Examine the essay outline you have prepared for the discussion on granite landforms. What makes a good essay outline? How do you personally write an essay outline to prepare for revision? This reflection should be 1 page long, single-line spacing. page margins should be at max 1 inch. Font size 12 (Arial or Times New Romans) All classes to submit to my pigeonhole by 22 October (Fri). This reflection will be graded upon 10 marks and will be returned by 25 October (Mon).
*CL3102 Oral is somewhere this week
-Previously Updated on
>12 Oct, 11.19pm
>13 Oct, 4.53pm
>16 Oct, 7.59pm
>18 Oct, 9.15pm
>21 Oct, 2.53pm
-Last Updated on
>23 Oct, 11.11am
Thursday, October 7, 2010
T4W4 - T4W5
Doing your best is more important than being the best.
And I like this quote:
"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it."
-- William Durant
Hope you all get the motivation to continue working hard =)
11 Oct (Mon)-
Math Graded Exercise
-All functions (including trigo function, exponential and logarithmic)
-Form equation of tangent and normal to the curve
Physics Re-Test (40 marks total)
12 Oct (Tues)-
Extra CM3203 Polymer Chem lesson
Time: 3-5pm
13 Oct (Wed)-
Math Assignment 5
Chem Worksheet 9 (Gases-Part 2)
CL3102 私函
15 Oct (Fri)-
Chem Quiz
CL3102 Test 2
-18,19课 (课文,词语表,习字)
-造句: 奢侈,绽放,妩媚,喧哗,征兆,坎坷,炽热,严峻,对症下药,倾囊相助
*Might have math journal graded task/quiz... Will be finalised by Mr Chia...
Random Quote:
Without deviation, progress is not possible. -- Frank Zappa
-Previously Updated on
>7 Oct, 11.16pm
>8 Oct, 10.17pm, 10.28pm
>11 Oct, 9.58pm
-Last Updated on
>12 Oct, 10.51pm
Friday, October 1, 2010
T4W3 - T4W4
Hope you're having a great time oso, doing the things you want to do, finishing your work, etc.
Here's the homework =)
4 Oct (Monday)-
Math File
CL3102 作业 (课20)
6 Oct (Wednesday)-
Chem File
Chem Pre-lab Experiment 4
7 Oct (Thursday)-
Chem Practical 4 (Morning)
8 Oct (Friday)-
Geog Test
Topics Tested:
Mountain Ranges
Major Rivers
Plate Tectonics Map
Mass Movement and Wasting
Note: All these are uploaded by Mrs Lim onto espace already
CM3203 Polymer Chem Practical
For more infomation on Karst, Mrs Lim sent us this link:
Lastly, reminder:
Module Evaluation Survey can be accessed from 28 September 2010, 7pm to 19 November 2010, 7pm.
It is compulsory, access eSpace and select Others -> Evaluation Survey.
Click on the icon under the ‘Start’ column and complete all listed surveys.
-Previously Updated on
>2 Oct, 2.15pm
>6 Oct, 9.57pm
-Last Updated on
>7 Oct, 6.13pm
juz random....
another weekend......
juz random post this up so tat this classblog wont die.....
i think adrian will post the homework up.....
hopefully....if he was free......
n btw......
any new suggestion for our next class outing???
wan 2 have pizza or anything after our exam??
i mean after the last day of exam.....
Sunday, September 19, 2010
T4W1 - T4W2
Sry bout this late post XP
20 Sept (Monday)
-Chem WS on Solutions
-EL3103 Extra Lesson Timeslot: 3pm-4pm
21 Sept (Tuesday)
-CL3102 公函(二)
23 Sept (Thursday)
-Math Test 2 (During lesson time in class)
Topic(s) covered: Chapter 3,4
24 Sept (Friday)
-Bio Individual Assignment
-Chem Quiz
Topic(s) Covered: Liquids
Friday, September 3, 2010
Stuffs after hols...
One week break, so do take a breather...
Breathe in... and out... and in... and...
Monday (13 Sept):
-Physics Class Test (Closebook)
Time: 3.00pm-4.00pm (Assembly Slot)
Venue: Seminar Room 1
Tested: Up till Thermodynamics Notes Set 3
-Math Assignment 4
-CL3102 习字
Tuesday (14 Sept):
-CL3102 听写 (18课)
-Chemistry A3 size Poster (iPosterise IMF)
-CM3203 A3 size Poster
Biology Individual Assignment (20 marks total)
Have a nice break!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Im sure you all agree RIGHTTT? :D
comments if you disagree, comments if you agree, and silence means consent dearies~
with loves,
RE: Well Wishes
Deborah can you please upload the group photo that we took outside the staffroom here?
With many emotions,
Well Wishes
If you noticed, this is the 1st time that i'm actually posting at the class blog. however, i hav occasionally pay the blog visits, so don't think that i slacked.... well, actually i did slacked, considering the fact that i'm going back to my old days again... it's getting more tiring now, or stressful, but for some of you maybe not, coz i knew that a number of you, unlike me, are able to plan and use your time wisely and correctly. I am indeed impressed by a lot of you, i feel honoured to be a mentor rep, or even juz a classmate of you guys.
term 3 is ending, and i've already exhausted myself with the ongoing stuffs and emotions..
However, i enjoy talking to u all, so i spared a little bit of time to blog =D
hope every1 is well and healthy, juz like bx said, pls take care of yourselves.
i wish i could be back on track by the start of term 4. Note at WISH, so it may or may not happen, depending on how hard, actually not hard, erm... how efficient i work. ya, and i hope every1 will do their best for the last term of the year and give mr ho his 3.5 requirement (rmb this? he's gonna treat us at some restaurant if each and every one of us scored above 3.5). so, jyjy to y'all! OMG, I juz realised that the exam timetable is published!!! O.O **faint**
you guys are awesome classmates, i've enjoyed the past 3 terms with you ppl. and let's work together, improve together and do our best together for the last part of this (awesome?) year. and smile ppl! Btw, today is ms mak's last day at NUSHS. Do you guys rmb that she owed us a treat for our astonishing effort (yes im ego) put in for the Newater video? Haha, i asked her to pay back her treat to us after 3 years (with interests), that is when she graduates from her degree and returns to NUSHS. She promised me, and I promised her i'll keep her updated of events going on in year 3. (HAHA, that'll be more interests for me, hehe) haha, jkjk la. Actually she wanted to treat us sometime soon, but I think putting it at 3 years later will be more meaningful, and btw, like this she can rmb us for all the time she's studying in beijing. (haha, make her feel guilty for owing ppl stuffs. yes im wicked if you didn noe)
So ya, just know that 3 years in the future we'll be having a class gathering. I promise. i may forget la... so pls remind me if you can. =)
For the time being, let's wish her all the best for her future life and career.
Actually after the photo montage shown today I wanted Justin, who was at the back stage, to dedicate a special message to ms mak, to tell her that the year 3 loves her. Haiz, due to time overrun, the apeal failed. But I think ms mak noes that already, so it's ok la. And yay, I didn cry in front of her today, I promised myself not to. See, preparation is crucial. The other day at the auditorium, I cried coz i wasn prepared for she was gonna say to us.
Aiya, i think i write long enough alrdy... im becoming more naggy, w8, i've always been naggy... i should stop, right NOW. haha, jy everyone! wa, I'm so 三八 la, this is the 38th post. Yay i rock!
Would you like a new URL?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Take Care....
quite a number of ppl fall sick......
for example.....
wen yi
so juz wan 2 tell u tat
take care of urself........
Thursday, August 26, 2010
T3W9- T3W10 ><'''
Next week's buzy too...
Although 2 days of school!!! =O
However... Let's look on the bright side>>>
and don't fret cause it's term break soon XD
LOTS of things to note for next week,
I shouldn't have missed a single detail... =3
30 August (Monday)- No Lessons
Sports Day (Or so called Annual Sports Meet)-
Time: 7.45am-12.00pm
Attire: House T-shirt + School shorts/skorts
Events: 100m, 200m, 400m, 4 x 100m sprints (All divisions)
Teachers' Day Full Rehearsal (Only those involved)-
Time: 12.30pm/1.00pm-4.00pm
Attire: Anything
31 August (Tuesday)- No Lessons
Geography Individual Project: A Monograph (With Report) By 1pm!!!
*Note: This is only for those who want to get the bonus 2 marks
Teacher' Day Celebration
Time: 8.45am-11.00am
Attire: School polo tee + School shorts/skorts
1 September (Wednesday)- No School
>>> Teachers' Day <<<
2 September (Thursday)- Monday's Timetable
Biology Quiz (Lessons 3,4 and 5)
Math Assignment 3
CL3102 作文
3 September (Friday)-
Travel Declaration due - NIL return required if not travelling
>>> Access eSpace <<<
Chemistry Quiz 4 (Lessons 5 and 6)
Physics Quiz (Gravitation and 1st set of thermodynamics notes)
Physics Practical 6
EL3103 Journal Article 5
*Pls note that I didn't add in homework from modules CH3102 and EL3106
Yup that's all before term break, it's the final lap for the term!!! Jiayous!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
T3W8- T3W9 O_o
It's week 9 already, meaning end of term coming soon!
A few more "obstacles" to overcome =)
23 Aug-
Chem Worksheet 5
24 Aug-
25 Aug-
Math Graded Exercise
26 Aug-
27 Aug-
Chem Worksheet 6
Physics Assignment 8
CL3102 华文测验 - Scope: (16,17课)
yay feel free to add on anything =)
enjoy ur week ahead...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
so y'all still want me to post homework?
cause i can stop if it is of no use at all (and takes up lots of space)
hahas i'll do my utmost to follow Ji's idea also hahas lol
Hopefully more 308ians come here hahas!
Happy Birthday to YX too =)
i hate homework~~~
so i will start first.....
something interesting .......
like my hatred to homework......
i am dieing becoz of the geo assignment.....TT
other den tat.....
nope i think so......coz like now im doin geo....
ya.....how about talkin about our class's couple???
or anyone in our class with bf or gf????
omg....im such a 38 person.....
but nvm gossip is the right for girls.....
Friday, August 20, 2010
Hi 308
Can we blog about like more interesting stuff?
Like about your day, how boring physics is, how we have too many chem assignments, and how we're going to die for geog, et cetera?
I really feel sorry for this blog):
On another note, everyone, click here for the class game. You need facebook for this, so everyone should like make a facebook. It's my evil scheme to take away the little life you have left >D But yeah, if you have facebook, add me(: You'll find me somewhere amongst the thousand other Ji Hyuns in the world.
Please please blog here!
Friday, August 13, 2010
T3W7 - T3W8 =P

More can be found on http://compiledbyjoygopalpodder.blogspot.com/
Details: Strange, Interesting And Extraordinary Facts Compiled By Joygopal Podder
Yeah lolx let's have a recap on next week's stuff...
16 Aug-
Sports Day Part I(800m, 1500m, 4x400m)
CL3102 听写 - Scope: (16,17课) 词语表
CL3102 作业-17课
17 Aug-
EL3103 Sales Graded Ex
18 Aug-
Go to Auditorium during ACE for OBS talk
Complete Pre-lab for Chem Practical
Geog Test 1
Maths Graded Exercise- Factor Formula
19 Aug-
EL3103 Letter-To-Editor Graded
Time: 1pm-2pm
Maths Test 1 (Duration 45min)
Auditorium 11.30am-12.30pm
Chapter notes 1,2 and 3(till page 8)
No Calculator is allowed.
20 Aug-
EL3103 Journal Article 4
Chemistry Practical 2
JiaYous Do your best and
Give your fullest support for your house on Sports Day!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Practical 2 Data
(This is directly transferred from CG's email sent to everyone) 0.0

Happy National Day.
Have a good rest!
Enjoy your weekends~~~
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Today's ACE Lesson (4 Aug)
I have uploaded the materials here. I would like you to revisit and ponder on the questions that I have attached to the slides. I will invite some of you to share your thoughts next Friday (13 Aug). I shall reward those with good inputs with chocolates!
Mr Ho
T3W6 - T3W7 =]
Maybe you are not stressed, buzy instead.
Anyways, 91.3 FM is my favourite radio station! *<*
My point is just relax your body and mind if you need to.
(And I do that by listening to radio) ^^
Ok, now for next week's:
9 Aug- No School (National Day)
10 Aug- No School
11 Aug-
Biology Practical 2
Physics Assignment 7
CM3203 Worksheet 2
12 Aug- NIL
13 Aug-
Chemistry Worksheet 4
CL3102 "作业" - Worksheet
CL3102 习字 (18课)
16 Aug- CL3102 听写 - Scope: (16,17课) 词语表
19 Aug- Maths Test 1 - Scope: Chapter 1,2, part of 3
CL3102 华文测验 - Scope: (16,17课)
Plan your time well =)
Have a restful night =7
Friday, July 30, 2010
Anyway who's that anonymous person who posted under this post?
Pls label yourself, or state your name/initials somewhere in the post thanks!
AP =)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
the class outing photo....
wanna contribute....
i have some but i will post it like this weekend if i still remember....
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
T3W5 - T3W6 ~_~
next week's week 6!
Some things to note 1st:
5th Aug------------- TSN Bdae
6th Aug------------- Half Day
7th - 8th Aug------- Weekends
9th Aug------------- National Day
10th Aug ----------- School Holiday
Here's some reminders:
Chem Quiz 3 (Thurs-5th Aug)>Lessons 2,3,4
Geog Earthquake Project (Wed-4th Aug)
Chem Worksheet 3 (Mon-2nd Aug)>Try hand in by Fri-30th Aug
Maths Assignment 2 (Wed-4th Aug)
Math Test on Thurs-19th Aug>Chapter 1,2,part of 3 (TBC)
CM3203 - Quiz 1 (Tues-3rd Aug)
CL3102- 听写 on Mon-16 Aug (Test on 16,17 课)
CL2102- 华文测验 T3W8
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
T3W4 - T3W5 =O

Flippy looks really evil lols

For next week :P
Bio Quiz 1-Thursday
29 July 1.30-2pm
Tues no bio lesson!

Chem Quiz 3
-Thursday -5th August
Bio Practical 1 (Graph and Questions)
-Tuesday -27 July

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
T3W3 - T3W4 ;)
Hola - Español
Bonjour - Français
Ciao - Italiano
哈囉 - 中文
Oi- Português
Bio Quiz (29 July) Thursday
Chem Experiment 1 Pre-lab Questions (21 July) Wednesday
Chem Worksheet 2 (23 July) Friday
Physics Quiz 1 (23 July) Friday
*CM3203 polymer chem worksheet (20 July) Tuesday
Have fun!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
T3W2 - T3W3 ^^
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
T3W1 - T2W2 XP
T3W2 Type out Journal of Controversial Article
T3W3 Essay 2 (Graded)
T3W4 Reading Compre (Graded) -No Summary-
T3W4 West Coast Plaza (During Lesson) Source for Product
T3W6 Do commercial for chosen product (Graded)
T3W9 (Oral Presentation:14%)
>Special topics on the same themes
>You choose your topic article
>Powerpoint slides 5-7 per group (NOT Graded)
>Group of 2 or 3
Chinese File (Design own cover page)
Textbook 4 Qns (Due 5/7)
Comprehension (Due 14/7)
习字 (Due 8/7)
Worksheet: Qn 18, 24, 25 (Due 1/7)
Worksheet 1 (Due 8/7)
Journal entry 1 (Due 14/7/10)
Do your readings (~1hr)
Note: Non-Schooling Days
-5 July (Mon)
-9 July (Fri)
Happy Youth Day!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Trigo Help
Not too stressed I hope XP
Here's some Math Trigo Identities and Formulas to help you... ^^
sinA = cos(90o - A) ---------- cosA = sin(90o - A)
tanA = cot(90o - A) ---------- cotA = tan(90o - A)
secA = csc(90o - A) ---------- cscA = sec(90o - A)
sin (-A) = -sin A
cos(-A) = cos A
tan(-A) = -tan A
sin2 A + cos2 A = 1
tan2 A + 1 = sec2 A
cot2 A + 1 = csc2 A
sin(A+B) = sinAcosB + cosAsinB
sin(A-B) = sinAcosB - cosAsinB
cos(A+B) = cosAcosB - sinAsinB
cos(A-B) = cosAcosB + sinAsinB
tan(A+B) = (tanA + tanB)/(1 - (tanA)(tanB))
tan(A-B) = (tanA - tanB)/(1 + (tanA)(tanB))
sin(2A) = 2sinAcosA
cos(2A) = cos2 A - sin2 A
cos(2A) = 2cos2 A - 1
cos(2A) = 1 - 2sin2 A
tan(2A) = 2tanA/(1 - tan2 A)
sin2 A = 1/2(1 - cos2A)
cos2 A = 1/2(1 + cos2A)
tan2 A = (1 - cos2A)/(1 + cos2A)
sin(3A) = 3sinA - 4sin3 A
cos(3A) = 4cos3 A - 3cosA
tan(3A) = (3tanA - tan3 A)/(1 - 3tan2 A)
Rsin(x+a) = Rsinxcosa + Rcosxsina
Rsin(x-a) = Rsinxcosa - Rcosxsina
Rcos(x+a) = Rcosxcosa - Rsinxsina
Rcos(x-a) = Rcosxcosa + Rsinxsina
Lastly, All the Best for your exams =)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
T2W6 - T2W7 =3
Maybe some would prefer that corner <<<
lolx here's for next week :D
Mon, 3 May----------No School, Reading day
Tues, 4 May---------Mother Tongue (Hall)-------8-10am, 10.30-12pm
Tues, 4 May---------Maths (Hall)----------------2.30-4.30pm
Wed, 5 May----------Bio (Hall)-------------------2.30-4.30pm
Thurs, 6 May--------Physics (Hall)---------------8-10am
Thurs, 6 May--------Geog (Hall)-----------------2.30-4.30pm
Fri, 7 May------------Chem (Hall)----------------8-10am
All our venues are hall, so bags and stuff are to be in class lockers.
Attire for the exam dates are formal shirt/polo-tee with shorts/long pants/skorts
Be punctual, gather outside hall by 7.40am (Will be crowded)
Jia Yous everyone, this period will soon be over =)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
T2W5 - T2W6 =7
25 April----------------Mastering Physics Assignment 4 (Work_Energy_Power)
26 April----------------Selected friends enter Com_Lab 3 for online survey (8am)
-------------------------ACE reflections (EL/CL)
-------------------------CL3101 Mock Exam Paper
27 April----------------Physics Graded Exercise (1/2 hr) OPEN BOOK
-------------------------EL3103 Group Work (Body Paragraphs)
28 April----------------Chem Quiz
30 April----------------Eng exam (8am)-Lessons push-back 2 hrs NO Mentoring (10am)
3rd March is Holiday-- No School, Reading Day
Thursday, April 15, 2010
T2W4 - T2W5 XD
There is a 1/2 hr bio make-up lesson on Monday 19 April from 9.30am-10am before PE!
Hope there are people reading my posts XP
It's very useful although some of you have already noted down :D
Next week's:
16-25 April--------Mastering Physics Assignment 4
19 April, Mon------CL3101 造句, 习字 and worksheet
19 April, Mon------Maths Assignment D
19 April, Mon------Chem Worksheet 4
21 April, Wed------CL3101 Test (Chap 4&5)
22 April, Thurs----Geog Test 2
22 April, Thurs----Chem Practical Test
22 April, Thurs----Chem File
23 April, Fri-------Bio Quiz 3
Hahas, This is more organised...
It's sorted according to date =)
Thursday, April 8, 2010
T2W3 - T2W4 =)
The things for next week:
Chem Test (13 April, Tues)
>>> 8am, Seminar Room
Tested on: Lessons 1,2,3+Group Trends (e-learning)
-bring along stationery, GC and periodic table
-the paper consists of 10 MCQ (10m) and 3 Structure Questions (20m)
Chem Worksheet 4
Geog Assignment 2 (15 April, Thurs)
Maths Worksheet 16A (12 April, Mon)
Maths File (16 April, Fri)
CL3101_C 作文
CL3101_C Test
EL3103 Print Advertisement Presentation
Selected students will be required to go for the health screening and you need to be in your PE attire during the health screening. The nurses will release the names of the students.
The approx. time of our class's health screening on Friday 16 April 2010 is 12pm-1pm.
Farewell Pari, Wishing you the Best XD
Keep visiting this blog, thank you =7
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
T2W2 - T2W3 :D
Now, the things-to-do for this weekend:
-Maths Class Worksheet 16A, 17A
*Eng Print Ad (6 April)
*Eng Presentation on Articles
=ABC, Pin
*Worksheet (With compre)
Here are the upcoming dates for tests/quizzes:
-NAPFA---2.4km run (5 April)
-Maths Test (6 April)
>Chapter 4 and 5 (Include partial fractions)
*Chinese Spelling (T2W3)
>Chapter 5
*English Formal Letter (T2W3)
-Chem Test (T2W4)
*Chinese Test (T2W4)
-Bio Quiz (T2W5)
*--- EL3103
*--- CL3101_C
Hope you ppl have a fruitful weekend :)
9th April Friday is Speech Day...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thank You Adrian(:
It seems that Adrian is the only one diligently updating this blog.
How about we all help him out and somehow keep this blog alive?
If you forgot the password and user id, please do approach me and I'll be more than happy to tell you. [as long as you're a 308-er of course]
Maybe if you need help on a subject and such we can treat it like a forum and ask here as well?
Post all of you!!:D
Friday, March 26, 2010
T2W1 - T2W2 :)
In any case if you see this post,
these are the homework for the weekend and test/quiz for next week =)
-Geog file
-Maths Partial Fractions 2
-Chemistry Worksheet 3 (Exclude some questions in part 1)
-Maths Worksheet 16A and 17A?
*English Commonwealth Essay
-NAPFA (29 March)
-Chemistry Quiz 4 (Lesson 3, Slides 1-61) (31 March)
*English Summary (31 March)
*Only those taking module EL 3103 :D
That's all folks! XD
See you on Monday!
(FYI: Justin's Bdae is on 1st April=Thursday)
Happy Birthday Justin ^^
Monday, March 8, 2010
Homework + Test + E-learning
Please do tell me if I missed out something...
AMH=After March Holiday
-Assignment 3: Motion in a plane & Newton's laws of Motion
Due: 23 March 2010
-Projectile Project
Due: Term 2 Week 2
-Test 1
(Term 2 Week 1)
-Quiz 2:
The topics tested are:
1) Lect 4 - Plant structure
2) Lect 5 -Growth & Development
3) Lect 6 -Symbiosis
(Term 2 Week 1)*Chemistry
-Worksheet 3: Chemical Bonding (Basic)
Due: AMH
-Revise practical
(Practical Test AMH)
-Assignment C
Due: AMH
-Maths Group investigative work (Application of functions)
Due: 31 March 2010
*English EL3103
-12 Articles (Pair work)
(Every one week)
-Commonwealth Essay?
*Chinese CL3101_C
-听写 (Chapter 4)
Yeah! That's about it.
"Enjoy e-learning!"
For PE there's also 20 questions to complete in quiz :D
Remember to post on forum in espace for Chemistry and Physics...
There's Mastering Physics and the completed version of chem notes can be found in espace also!
-Adrian Peh (308)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
New Blog HTML and Priviledges
We definitely need a new blog skin don't you think so?
I'm suggesting a black backdrop with ELECTRIC GREEN designs.
Words can be in electric green too!
Btw, I have add Ji Hyun and myself as admins of this blog for easy access.
Izit ok with you guys?
PS: You should know who I am... Kinda obvious right?
PSS: I will always be signing off with my initials.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tag Board!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
WOOOOO 308 rocks rocks rocks and mr ho pwns!
see everyone on monday.. and before i forget,
love, shini! (:
Welcome to M10308's BLOG;D
This is M10308's blog and I am making the first post!
-feels proud
All 308-ers, please ask me personally for the user and pass.
Me being, Ji Hyun.
This blog is for uh... communication between all of us!
We can post about our day, and any notices.
We can also use it as a kind of forum!
But remember to put your name or nick or something down at the end of the post so that we know it's you;D
no impersonation or flaming also!